kristen savage
Kristen Savage
Kristen Savage is a graduate student at the University of Washington in the Community Oriented Public Health Practice Program (COPHP). She has an anticipated graduation date of 2014. She received the SCOPE fellowship in June 2013 and will work in this capacity from June 2013 to September 2013.
After receiving her bachelor’s degree in International Development Studies from UCLA, Kristen interned with Educare India, a rural development organization based in Punjab. SHe founded and managed a Girl’s Club for adolescent girls in the village of Sotla, which provided nutrition, sanitation, and sexual education through creative means. She also developed an HIV/AIDS education module for secondary schools in Punjab.
Prior to joining the COPHP program, Kristen worked as a Program Manager for CFY, a nonprofit organization that partners with middle schools throughout the Los Angeles Unified School District to place computers in the homes of disadvantaged youth. As a Program Manager she implemented CFY’s Digital Learning Program in nine partner schools.